The main subject of the present dissertation is the importance of the healthy nutrition in
infants and children.
In the first chapter, the nutrition of pregnant woman during pregnancy and its effects on fetus are given. The nutrition has biological and mental effect on fetus. In the samechapter, the nutritional needs of women before, during and after pregnancy.
The second chapter deals with the importance of the healthy nutrition of infants and breastfeeding are analysed. Also the stages the importance and the benefits of breastfeeding to the infants are described.
The problems that way occur during breastfeeding are mentioned. Apart from the analysis of the issues that have to do with breastfeeding, the transitional period from breastfeeding to solid food provision as an adjustment period of infants. Also, advice and counseling is provided through the description of ablation and its stages.
Additionally, the third chapter deals with nutrition of children during pre-school and school age period. The association between the nutrition of children with the development of their intelligence is described giving the definition and the stages of the development of
intelligence. The measurement of the intelligence, the contributory factors and the methods of improvement are food and intelligent mentioned in order to clarify the association between food and intelligence.
The constipation during infancy and childhood is analyzed to describe the symptoms, the clinical impression and the treatment which has to do with nutrition.
The analysis of the nutritional habits according to the origins, the traditions, the customs
helps the reader to understand the factors of nutrition. The reference to the religions, and the nutritional habits that are prescribed, describes the effects on children and adolescents.
Later in the third chapter, obesity is described. The diagnostic criteria, the epidemiology and the causes are mentioned. The description of the proper nutrition and physical exercise is mentioned as treatment of obesity. Finally, medication and surgical treatment are given and their effects too.
As a sequence, the description of malnutrition is given. The causes, the methods of diagnosis, the symptoms and prevalence are described and the reference to epidemiology gives a clear picture of the malnutrition on a global, European and local basis.
The present dissertation concludes describing the nutrition problems and eating disorders. The types of eating disorders are described and their symptoms, treatment and prevention as well.